The One to One Project was established with charitable status in 1984, to provide long term professional support to adults in West Norfolk and North Norfolk who are experiencing emotional, social and/or and mental health difficulties.

Referral forms into the service will only be accepted if completed by the applicant. We are not able to accept referral forms that have been completed by a third party.

The One to One Project will be closed for the bank holiday, Monday 6th May and Monday 27th May.

Lottery Funding

The One to One Project has received a further £350,000 funding for the next three years, from the Lottery Community Fund to help us to continue provide our service to the communities of North and West Norfolk. Well done everyone!

The Lotus programme

Volunteer Community Mentors & Befrienders needed…

We are currently recruiting mentors and Befrienders to be a part of our team. Our mentoring & Befriending service provides support to clients in their own homes or out in the community. Our Mentoring service is for clients who require emotional support to achieve realistic goals and to assist those who wish to reintegrate back into their communities. Our Befriending service aims to provide companionship, build friendships and combat social isolation for individuals in the community who may suffer from loneliness and isolation due to their social situation or location, to maintain independence and promote emotional wellbeing

If you are looking for experience in working within a mental health-based setting or think that you can offer a listening ear to support and encourage a more fulfilling way of life for someone, please complete and submit a community mentor application form.

Training is run over two days which will be flexible to suit your availability. Training will include Active listening skills, Safeguarding and lone working, as well as other useful learning in order to ensure mentors and Befrienders are as confident and informed as possible when working out in the community. All applicants will require an enhanced DBS check, the cost of which is met by the Project.

If you feel that the above would be of interest, please complete an application form or contact us directly: or or call (01553) 770770.

One to One Project Catchment Area.

The One to One Project catchment area now covers King’s Lynn, West Norfolk and North Norfolk.

If you are unsure as to whether you are within in our catchment area for
counselling, please call our office (01553) 770770 or email or

Here at the One to One Project we offer emotional support to people experiencing mental health difficulties, right across West Norfolk, through individual Counselling, Mentoring and Group Work. Our friendly team offer professional services and help you to explore the choices you have. Together we can decide which service best suits your individual needs so that you don’t have to figure it out alone.

The One to One Project provide safe and confidential support and do our very best to hear each individual experience. With us it’s not about fitting in to a set of criteria, it’s not all about getting it right, it’s about working towards living the life you want.

Please use the menu at the top of the website to navigate through our services. If what we offer sounds like something you would be interested in, then Call Us today on 01553 770 770 or Email

Please click here to read our 2016 One to One Project Independent Evaluation

Latest News

Please note that the One to One project is not a crisis intervention service. For all urgent matters:


From any phone, free of charge, call:  116123

Call 111 and select the Mental Health option

Please continue to monitor this website for all updates on the service.

Thank you very much to all our funders and supporters
Networking and information for professionals…